Call or Text Us 914-332-2300
Our company provides HD audio and video streaming funeral services throughout New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. We help our clients who want to observe a funeral or memorial service of their closest family members remotely. Our live-streaming services are perfect for those who cannot be physically present at the funeral due to distance, age, health risks, or other concerns. Our state-of-the-art HD audio and video streaming technology lets you observe the funeral from any location with crystal clear clarity and quality. Forward Tech can operate off a church’s PA system or our own wireless mics. No need to feel overwhelmed, we're professionals who understand video production and can recommend the best options for you.
We're able to stream the service in HD for the best high resolution video possible. We want all online attendees to experience your service as if they were sitting in the room. We will provide detailed instructions on how to access the streaming service and ensure that the streaming experience is as close to the physical funeral as possible. We understand the importance of this special occasion and strive to provide our clients with the highest-quality streaming services. With our HD audio and video streaming funeral services, your virtual attendees can experience the funeral from the comfort of their own home.
We've been providing premium live funeral streaming services for many years throughout the entire Tri-State area.